
FAQ / Contact

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding giving to Kyoto University.
Q 1 How much can you accept donations?
The minimum value of donation for this method is 30,000 yen.
Q 2 What is the donation used for?
These funds will be used for the development of a curative drug for ulcerative colitis.
Q 3 How can I make a donation?
You can apply only by using the transfer form specified by the university. We do not accept online.

Please see the Request for support page for the donation flow.
Q 4 I'd like you to send me a transfer form.
We will send it by mail, so please contact us by phone or email below.

54 Shogoin Kawahara-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507
Tel: 075-751-4319 (Kyoto University Gastroenterology Office) (Weekdays 9: 00 am - 5: 00 pm) Email: uckifu@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Q 5 Is there a deadline for donations?
We accept donations throughout the year.
Q 6 I lost my receipt, can you reissue it?
It is possible to mail a receipt with a "reissue" printed on it.
Please contact us by phone or email below.

54 Shogoin Kawahara-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507
Tel: 075-751-4319 (Kyoto University Gastroenterology Office) (Weekdays 9: 00 am - 5: 00 pm)
Email: uckifu(at)kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp *Please change (at) to @ before sending.
Q 7 How long does it take to receive the receipt?
Please note that it will take about 1 to 2 months from the completion of the payment procedure to issue the receipt. The receipt issuance date will be the date when the donation was deposited into our laboratory from the post office, bank, each card company and settlement agency.
Q 8 Can I make regular donations from my bank account?
Currently, donations by direct debit are not available.
Q 9 If I donate, can I get tax incentives?
Your donation is subject to tax incentives or tax incentives (such as income tax deductions and corporate tax deductions).
Please refer to Tax deductions page for detailed explanation.
Q 10 I have moved, so I would like to inform you of my new address. Please tell me what to do.
You will need your new address to send your donation receipt.
If you move, please use the inquiry form of this website to inform us of the address before and after the change.
Also, please contact us if you would like to change your e-mail address.
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